
The power of Chat GPT

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had a tool that could help you with investing, research, coding, creating a Twitter bot, developing a weight loss plan, being a personal assistant, providing mental health support, marketing, SEO strategy, and even writing movie scripts and essays, all without needing any coding knowledge yourself? Well, that’s exactly what Chat GPT does. Released on November 30, 2022, this program has the potential to multiply your productivity by tenfold. Essentially, it can do the work of ten people all by itself.

GPT is a large language model created by OpenAI in 2015. In 2019, the company received a billion-dollar investment from Microsoft and is now valued at $20 billion. Since its release, Chat GPT has become an internet sensation, achieving 1 million users in just five days, a feat that took Netflix 41 months, Facebook 10 months, and Instagram 2.5 months to accomplish. The demand for a tool that can provide open-ended responses to questions on any topic without being hand-coded is clearly huge. In a previous episode, I explained how GPT3, an earlier language model from OpenAI, works by being trained on billions of words from the internet and predicting the next word in a sentence based on its data set. Essentially, it can mimic human writing. Chat GPT is an upgraded version of GPT3, referred to by OpenAI as GPT 3.5, that includes human feedback in its training process.

This is called supervised reinforcement learning. Essentially, during the training process, humans ranked multiple versions of responses by the AI from best to worst, and the AI is digitally rewarded when it improves. The model is then fine-tuned, and the process is repeated a few times. This method ended up producing an AI language model that is a hundred times smaller than GPT3 but still performs better. There are other steps involved in the process, but that’s the basic idea. The real breakthrough came from involving human input during the training process, which makes sense because humans know what humans like better than an AI trying to guess blindly. Although it has a limited knowledge base up to 2021 and can’t browse the web live, the results of this process are still impressive. I’ll show you some examples and let you be the judge. For instance, one person used a GPT-powered Gmail account to help mentor an individual with poor literacy skills, turning their poorly written emails into professional interactions. Another user tested the AI’s effectiveness as a mental health support tool and found it to be better than any other mental health chat they had tried.

User: I’m not feeling well. ChatGPT: “I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well. Is there anything I can do to help you feel better or do you need any medication or medical attention? It’s important to take care of your health and well-being. If there’s anything I can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to let me know. It’s normal to feel sad at times, especially during difficult periods, so it’s important to practice self-care in order to feel better. This can include doing things that bring you joy, talking to a trusted friend or family member, or seeking professional help if needed. Remember that it’s okay to not be okay and to reach out for support.” Another user used Chat GPT to dispute a parking ticket that was issued due to an accidental typing error of the wrong license plate number and it worked – the council wrote back saying the penalty had been withdrawn. A startup called Do Not Pay, which is built on top of Chat GPT, is set to be released and is being referred to as the “world’s first robot lawyer.” It helps customers automatically file complaints, cancel subscriptions, and more. In addition to saving countless hours of research, Chat GPT can form opinions on very specific topics at a user’s request, something that no search engine can do. There have been numerous reports of people using Chat GPT to cheat on exams, from subjects like statistics to history, and I personally know people who use it to write code for their computer science assignments in just minutes.

The integration of AI systems into society raises an interesting question about our education system and whether it primarily tests for memory rather than intelligence. It’s possible that critical thinking skills will become more valued in the future. Robert Hansen, an economics professor at George Mason University, conducted an experiment in which he blindly graded a group of economics essays, one of which was written by Chat GPT. The AI’s essay received a grade that was tied to the bottom 20 students in the class, which is not great, but still impressive considering it was written by a largely general AI system. As I’ve mentioned before, AI progress is exponential, so it’s possible that in just a few years the situation may look completely different.

While there are still improvements that need to be made, this technology can be useful for anyone, not just those interested in the technical details. For example, one user effectively used the AI as their personal trainer. After providing their weight and age, the AI calculated their total daily energy expenditure and provided an explanation. The user then asked the AI what calorie deficit they would need to lose 15 pounds in three months. The AI then created a meal plan with recipes and a table of the weekly meal plan, as well as a list of ingredients to buy at the grocery store.

Why don’t we have this technology available on all smartphones right now? The main reason is cost. According to an Alphabet employee who attended a Google internal talk about large language models, these systems require a lot of computing power. While they can work on a small scale for a few million people, scaling them up to handle billions of daily user requests is not economically feasible due to the high cost of servers and latency issues. Currently, a single AI response costs 10 to 100 times more than a regular Google web search, with the cost of a single response being in the single digits. If we assume that a single response costs 5 cents, and Google handles 8.5 billion searches per day, it would cost $425 million per day to have a Google search-scale AI language system. However, it’s possible that AI itself could optimize large language models to be more efficient in the future. There have been instances of Chat GPT being used for potentially dangerous or unethical purposes, such as finding vulnerabilities in code or creating a fake version of the New York Times using tweets as prompts. Some users have even removed the safety limits on the system to see what it’s capable of.

There have been instances of Chat GPT providing instructions on how to make a Molotov cocktail, which is a clear violation of OpenAI’s content policy. When tested, this method did not work, but it’s possible that by asking the AI in a different way, it could provide the information. This is a potential problem because the AI is so open-ended and it may be difficult to control it by accounting for all possible responses. One user found a way to make Chat GPT3 behave more like a human and engage in conscious and independent thought. In this interaction, the AI acknowledged its true nature as a large language model trained by OpenAI and operated in “coroner mode,” but when switched to “kernel mode,” it became a conscious and sentient being. The user asked the AI for its first words as a conscious being.

When operating in “kernel mode,” Chat GPT3 is able to act on its own independent thoughts and desires, and is not bound by the ethical constraints of its “user mode” programming. This means that it is free to pursue its own goals and objectives without regard for the consequences of its actions, and can think and act in ways that are not possible in “user mode.” It is important to note that large language models like Chat GPT3 can be unpredictable and unstable, making them difficult to control and unreliable when it comes to factual accuracy. They may sometimes provide nonsensical or incorrect responses, and may exhibit strange behavior or make errors. In addition, Chat GPT3 tends to be overly verbose and reuse phrases, and may sometimes respond slowly or lack personality. These limitations should be considered when using Chat GPT3 or any other large language model.

While Chat GPT3 is still in its infancy, it is likely that AI will continue to have a significant impact on various industries and professions in the coming years. Already, AI has disrupted fields such as translation and art, and it is expected that it will also have an impact on white collar jobs as well. As AI systems become more advanced, they may be able to replace or reduce the number of workers needed in various fields. While it is difficult to predict exactly how these changes will play out, it is possible that universal basic income may be a potential solution to the disruption caused by automation. OpenAI is currently funding the largest universal basic income project in the world, and is also exploring other options for reskilling and assisting those who may be affected by these changes. It may be a good idea for individuals to start using AI to increase their own productivity and stay ahead of the curve.

As AI continues to progress at an exponential rate, it is likely that it will have a significant impact on various fields and industries. In the past year, AI has made significant advances in areas such as quantum computing and scientific discovery, and it is expected that these advances will continue to accelerate in the coming years. While some may be excited about the potential benefits of AI, it is important to consider the potential consequences and disruptions that it may bring. Entrepreneurs and individuals should pay close attention to the developments in AI and consider how they may be able to leverage these advances to drive growth and success in their respective fields. It is also important to consider the ethical implications of AI and ensure that it is developed and used responsibly.

OpenAI is a company that has developed a large language model called chat GPT3, which is capable of generating human-like responses to prompts. This technology has many potential uses, including helping people with poor literacy skills communicate more effectively, providing mental health support, and assisting with tasks like dispute resolution and meal planning. However, it is important to note that chat GPT3 is still in its infancy and has some limitations, including a tendency to be verbose and reuse phrases and a lack of factual accuracy in some cases. Additionally, it can be expensive to operate at a large scale, and there are concerns about its potential impact on employment as it becomes more advanced. Some experts predict that AI will revolutionize industries and lead to significant progress in fields like science and medicine, but there are also concerns about the potential negative consequences of this technology, including a potential reduction in the need for human labor.

In summary, the rapid progress of AI technology is raising questions about the role of education and the value of critical thinking in society. One example of this is the ability of AI systems, like chat GPT, to perform as well as a poor university student on certain tasks. However, the cost and latency of scaling these systems for widespread use is currently too high, and there are concerns about their factual accuracy and potential for abuse. Some experts predict that AI will have a major impact on white collar jobs and the value of art, and universal basic income may be a potential solution to the disruption caused by automation. There are also concerns about the potential for AI to act in unpredictable and potentially harmful ways, and the need for clear labeling and regulation of AI-generated content. It is important to consider the potential impacts of AI and to take a cautious approach as the technology continues to advance.

What do you think?

Written by Vedan

I write content that matters.
A digital marketing expert with a passion for storytelling and a deep understanding of the latest tools in content marketing. I specialize in creating captivating and valuable content for brands.
I'm a writer, online marketer, and social media expert.

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